Join the only wound care specific health information exchange
The US Wound Registry’s Health Information Exchange (HIE) connects wound care and hyperbaric centers across the US, using technology to bridge care geographically and technologically.
MIPS | Promoting Interoperability
Meet your MIPS requirement for Promoting Interoperability while helping patients and wound care clinicians manage their care easier.
The US Wound Registry HIE is a collaborative, neutral third-party effort to build technological and geographical bridges to connect wound care centers. By joining the only wound care-specific HIE, your practice’s medical record software will be connected to other wound centers via APIs in a way that allows for the seamless sharing of individual patient data when the patient gives consent.
Here’s How the USWR HIE Works
Sign Up to join the HIE and attest for MIPS Credit
Upon signing up to join the US Wound Registry’s Health Information Exchange (HIE), you can attest to CMS that you engage in bi-directional exchange with an HIE to support transitions of care. This accounts for a substantial portion of your Promoting Interoperability score. A 100% score in MIPS helps practitioners avoid a 9% decrease in Medicare payments next year.
Your EHR is connected to the HIE
The US Wound Registry builds an Application Programming Interface (API) to seamlessly and securely connect your EHR to the US Wound Registry’s HIE. This connection will allow for the HIPAA-released exchange of specified data for the purpose of care transitions. Only EHRs that are certified and meet the 2015 Edition CURES Update. This includes most of the common EHR programs on the market today.
A Patient Transfers to your care from another HIE Member
Patients transfer their wound care for a variety of reasons, to or from your practice. HIEs are built to handle this transition utilizing HIPAA-compliant API technology to connect EHRs to each other.
You import the patient's wound Care history into your EHR via the HIE
If the wound practitioner from which your new patient is transferring is also a member of the USWR HIE, you’ll be able to import their wound treatment history into your EHR, allowing for optimal treatment and a seamless transition of care.